Leveling the Playing Field: EGPA Emerges to Empower Gaming Partners

Jonas Cahu, the top commercial executive at Bojoko, has established the Expert Gaming Partner Alliance (EGPA) to tackle the frequently strained connection between gaming companies and their partners in the internet gaming sector.

Cahu emphasizes a substantial disparity in influence, where partners often lack fundamental contractual safeguards. Unlike other industries, gaming partners are frequently bound by lopsided agreements susceptible to alteration without prior notification. The EGPA seeks to rectify this by promoting equitable terms and conditions, guaranteeing partners receive fair treatment when marketing an operator’s brand.

Bojoko has taken the initiative to facilitate the preliminary dialogue between the EGPA and gaming companies, encouraging all partners to become members of the alliance.

“Internet gaming partners operate within a very challenging landscape compared to other businesses and sectors,” states Cahu.

He underscores the unsustainable nature of functioning without secure agreements, leaving businesses and personnel vulnerable to considerable risk. The EGPA aims to provide much-needed stability and confidence for partners, enabling them to confidently promote brands with the assurance that their players and revenue share are safeguarded over the long term.


By Benjamin "Blaze" Lewis

Holding a Ph.D. in Mathematics and a Master's in Computer Science, this accomplished writer has a deep understanding of the role of algorithms and computational methods in modern casino gaming. They have extensive experience in combinatorial optimization, graph theory, and cryptography, which they apply to the study of online gambling platforms and game design. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a behind-the-scenes look at the technological innovations shaping the future of the casino industry.

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