Launches in the US, Focusing on Online Gaming

A premier online resource for all things gaming,, has made its official debut in the United States.

The platform will initially concentrate on New Jersey, a state leading the charge in the American gaming surge. However, the company has bold aspirations for nationwide expansion, seeking a presence in every state where online gaming is permitted.

It’s important to mention that, unlike its global counterparts, the US iteration of will not include sports wagering material. This is due to the fact that sports betting, while growing in acceptance, is not yet legal across the country.

“ US is a terrific addition to our collection of localized websites,” remarked Kevin McCrystle, COO of Group. “We are delivering a practical and distinctive American encounter for users seeking the top gaming products and promotions.”

This introduction is the most recent in a series of prosperous expansions for, coming after the rollout of localized websites in numerous countries last year, including Norway, Finland, Sweden, Canada, New Zealand, Australia, and Ireland.

Charles Gillespie, CEO of Group, emphasized the importance of the US launch for the business, saying, “There’s a tangible enthusiasm throughout the organization for the debut of in the United States. After all, this company was established by Americans, and we have more US citizens on our leadership team than any other nationality.”

Weve been anxious to witness tangible US regulations dating back to 2006. While the industry is still establishing itself, we believe it’s overdue for our involvement.

The landscape could become captivating in 2018. Should the highest court rule in favor of New Jersey regarding the “Professional and Amateur Sports Protection Act” lawsuit, it might clear the path for lawful internet-based sports wagering nationwide. Such an outcome would be revolutionary.


By Benjamin "Blaze" Lewis

Holding a Ph.D. in Mathematics and a Master's in Computer Science, this accomplished writer has a deep understanding of the role of algorithms and computational methods in modern casino gaming. They have extensive experience in combinatorial optimization, graph theory, and cryptography, which they apply to the study of online gambling platforms and game design. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a behind-the-scenes look at the technological innovations shaping the future of the casino industry.

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