Belgian Gambling Surges in 2022 with Land-Based Comeback and Steady Online Growth

The Belgian Gaming Commission has issued its findings on the nation’s gambling landscape in 2022, revealing a robust comeback for brick-and-mortar gambling and sustained expansion in the digital realm.

The document, ratified at the Commission’s assembly on December 6th, 2023, indicates that aggregate gambling proceeds for the year exceeded €14.5 billion (equivalent to $15.8 billion USD), with internet gambling constituting a slim majority at 54.9% of the sector.

Land-based gambling experienced a substantial resurgence, surging by 65.7% compared to 2021 as the industry rebounded from closures stemming from the pandemic. This brought it near pre-pandemic figures, although betting establishments and newsstands, while witnessing heightened activity, haven’t entirely recuperated. Casinos, gaming venues, and cafes persist as the top earners in this domain, with low-stakes amusements, notably bingo terminals in cafes, proving exceptionally favored.

Concurrently, online gambling maintained its upward trajectory with a 2.6% increment. Similar to preceding years, internet casino diversions spearheaded the growth, trailed by automated gaming platforms and subsequently sports wagering.

During the year 2022, physical casinos experienced a powerful resurgence! They witnessed a massive influx of patrons, and their overall gaming income (referring to actual earnings, not merely wagers made) increased twofold in comparison to the preceding year. We’re discussing unprecedented figures here – nine gambling establishments collectively amassed over half a billion euros! That signifies a substantial amount of activity at the gaming tables.

Each of these land-based casinos observed their earnings ascend beyond even pre-pandemic levels of 2019. The gambling venue in Brussels undoubtedly emerged as the frontrunner, attracting a remarkable 40% of the total revenue.

Shifting our focus to internet gambling, the nine authorized online casinos operating in Belgium recorded a respectable 16% rise in their earnings, with the Spa casino’s digital platform leading the way. Conversely, the Middelkerke casino’s online venture suffered a setback due to the loss of certain licenses. Notably, a study conducted by the Belgian Gaming Commission in September 2023 indicated that while 13% of respondents engaged in gambling on a daily basis, a surprisingly meager 36% possessed the ability to differentiate between a legitimate and an illegitimate gambling website – a point worth pondering!


By Benjamin "Blaze" Lewis

Holding a Ph.D. in Mathematics and a Master's in Computer Science, this accomplished writer has a deep understanding of the role of algorithms and computational methods in modern casino gaming. They have extensive experience in combinatorial optimization, graph theory, and cryptography, which they apply to the study of online gambling platforms and game design. Their articles and news pieces provide readers with a behind-the-scenes look at the technological innovations shaping the future of the casino industry.

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